Simple Game(Mike Pinder)
As time goes by you will see
That we're going to be free
You and me, we'll touch the sky
Can you see in your mind's eye
That we are one
We're all the same
And life is just a simple game
There, by your side, I will be
When this crazy world is free
Free from doubt
When it finds out
Exactly what we're meant to be
That we are one
We're all the same
And life is just a simple game
Thoughts of another day
Flashing through my head
Thinking how life could be
All of the things that our great men have said
Be what we want to be
What we deserve to be
What we are meant to be
As time goes by, you will see
That we're going to be free
You and me, we'll touch the sky
Can you see in your mind's eye
That we are one
We're all the same
And life is just a simple game
We're gonna be free
Oohhh, gonna be free
Gonna be free
(Free, gonna be free, gonna be free, Oohhh)
As time goes by you will see
That we're going to be free
You and me, we'll touch the sky
Can you see in your mind's eye
That we are one
We're all the same
And life is just a simple game
There, by your side, I will be
When this crazy world is free
Free from doubt
When it finds out
Exactly what we're meant to be
That we are one
We're all the same
And life is just a simple game
Thoughts of another day
Flashing through my head
Thinking how life could be
All of the things that our great men have said
Be what we want to be
What we deserve to be
What we are meant to be
As time goes by, you will see
That we're going to be free
You and me, we'll touch the sky
Can you see in your mind's eye
That we are one
We're all the same
And life is just a simple game
We're gonna be free
Oohhh, gonna be free
Gonna be free
(Free, gonna be free, gonna be free, Oohhh)
Feliz 2012,RODERICK!
ResponderExcluirOi Paredes, senti sua falta. Bom te ver por aqui.
ResponderExcluirTe desejo o mesmo.
Saúde e paz!
ResponderExcluirPode deletar minhas anotações, as pessoas podem não gostar da minha observação. rsrsrsrsr. É só uma opinião boba.
Que isso, Janice. Gosto dos seus comentários.
ResponderExcluirApareça sempre!
ResponderExcluirÉ que outro dia recebi um email de uma pessoa furiosa.
Fiquei meio . . . sei lá.
Epa, me explica isso direito, por favor: qual foi o teor do e-mail? A pessoa se identificou?
ResponderExcluirsim. É um blog que tbm gosto muito.Só pq mostrei um erro.
ResponderExcluirQuando vc encontrar um erro no meu , por favor mostre para que eu possa consertar. Até porque ainda posso aprender.
Não esquente a cabeça,